Watch The Guard Changing at Buckingham Palace


/ London Attractions

Watch The Guard Changing at Buckingham Palace

June 14, 2019

Serried ranks of tall bearskins, brilliant red coats, and marching bands indicate that it’s time for one of the most spectacular ceremonies in London -  the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace.  

Arrive early if you want the best view – it is a very popular event attracting large crowds.  Stay within the lines and don’t get in the way of the soldiers – they have a very precise formation, which is never broken.  There are no tickets needed, it is simply a matter of first comers getting the best viewing spots. While enjoying this amazing ceremony, if the visitors are looking for a good accommodation, then they can book a stay at hotels such as Park City Hotel London which will provide them luxurious stay with many facilities.

The ceremony is a very old one, designed to replace the guards who have to stand on duty outside Buckingham Palace, the official residence of Her Majesty The Queen. New guards are marched into position, the handover takes place amid a lot of commands by the officers and stamping of feet, then the old guards march off, leaving the new guard to stand in the sentry box.  During their period on guard, the soldier will periodically move away from the sentry box and march for a short distance then go back into position.

An equally spectacular ceremony takes place about fifteen minutes walk away across St James Park, at Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall.  This is where the Changing of the Horse Guards takes place.  Timing is exactly the same – 11 am daily, except on Sundays when it occurs at 10 am.  This is when the full ceremony takes place, but you do have a chance to see individual guards being changed every hour, as it is a very tiring duty. London is a home of different cultures, and languages which can be seen in these fabulous ceremonies and is also present when it comes to food. The visitors can also have a taste of cuisines of different culture like if they want to have Malaysian food, they can search for Malaysian restaurants in London which will serve them tasty and delicious flavors of Malaysian cuisine.

During the changeover, a full complement of mounted guards moves around Whitehall, changing the duties of the various sentries.  These sentries are very eye-catching, as they wear heavily plumed, shining metal helmets and swords. The color of their tunics varies from red to blue depending on which regiment of the Life Guards is on duty.  During their period of sentry duty, they are like statues, even the horses rarely move a muscle. Having your photograph taken standing beside them is one of the most popular reminders of your visit to London. The visitors can easily reach the Buckingham Palace through the open top sightseeing buses which is really a good mode of transportation to travel to different popular attractions in London.